Club Management
Each June and July all RAF Units are required to affiliate to the RAF FA and this provides the option to enter the RAF Cup. This currently remains a manual process with an affiliation form completed and returned to the RAF FA HQ. Affiliation to the RAF FA has no cost with RAF Cup entry currently £75.00.
Whole Game System
The FA’s Whole Game System, allows Leagues and Clubs to have access to team and player data, can manage discipline, see suspensions and fixtures, using live information provided by clubs and leagues. This removes the duplication of data and reduces the workload for volunteers – clubs and leagues need only provide information in one place, and it will be shared between both systems. Clubs are encouraged to use the Whole Game System which can be accessed here
RAF Clubs and Teams are provided with Duty Status, subject to certain conditions and processes being met. This provides cover for individuals under the MoD Compensation Scheme (JSP 752)
Overseas Visits
Overseas Visits are encouraged with Defence Engagement being a key element. Clubs (Units) wishing to organize a Overseas Visit must obtain permission from the Station Commander, RAF FA and also the Directorate of RAF Sport. There are a number of processes to go through and such trips will attract some funding for individuals holding RAF Sports Lottery tickets.