2023-2024 Affiliation Update
The 2023-24 Affiliation window for all RAF teams opens on 26th June 2023, to assist here are some key points:
Affiliation Key Points
- All teams need to be affiliated before they play any football or could face an E1.2 discipline charge for failing to comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Association
- Affiliation is to be completed on line through The FAs Platform For Football (PFF), via the Club Portal.
- There is no cost to affiliate to the RAF FA
Team Ground
- New for the 2023-2024 season It is a requirement for teams to state their main home ground. You can do this ahead of affiliation opening in your ‘My Club’ tab. You can find guidance on how to complete this HERE
Player Registration and Officials
- Player Registration (PR) is required for all league and cup competitions, this covers Rep Teams, Trade Teams and Unit Teams
- Clubs are also required to ensure that their officials across the clubs and teams are correct this includes but is not limited to:
- Chairperson / OIC
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Team managers
- Team coaches
- Team First Aiders/ therapists
- New for the 2023-2024 season all Open Age (Adult) teams are now required to add a Club Welfare Officer (Adult Teams) on the Club Portal under the officials tab
- The individual does not need to have any qualifications at the affiliation point but must commit to completing 2 online courses within the first few months of the season
- Support will be provided to the individual by the RAF FA
- All open-age (adult) teams that have players aged under 18 are required to have a manager with an in-date FA DBS
- Every club will be required to complete a safeguarding declaration in the Club Portal under the documents Tab.
- Further information can be found HERE
- Each Unit may enter x1 Station team into the RAF Challenge Cup, this costs £75:
- Entry is sperate to the affiliation process, go into Club Portal > Teams > Manage Competitions
- Please pay on-line, if not then by BACS to RAF Football Association, SC 16-19-26, AC 10351413
- Closing date for RAF Challenge Cup entry is 1st October 23
- The RAF FA will review entries and remove teams if required
England Football Accreditation
- The RAF FA aim to have all of our affiliated clubs become England Football Accreditted to showcase RAF football to the wider football community and The FA
- If you are not currently accredited please contact Sam.Wheeler@royalairforcefa.com for support to achieve this award
• England Football Support
- England Football Portals support and guides page
- 2023 Affiliation Support Webinar (1 hour)
- Introduction to Affiliation online support page
• RAF FA Support
- If you would like to support with your affiliation, portals, updating officials, player registration etc. Please contact the RAF FA HQ to book in a Teams call.
- Sam Wheeler, RAF FA Football Development Manager – Sam.Wheeler@royalairforcefa.com
- Vince Williams, RAF FA County Secretary – Vince.Williams@royalairforcefa.com