Womens Festival of Football 2023

Womens Festival of Football 2023 article

The annual Women’s Festival of Football was held at Shrewsbury Town on Wednesday 7 September with 11 RAF stations from across the country represented. 8 teams applied their factor 50 and braved soaring temperatures in order to take part in the event which was organised by the SRT’s Sgt Jenny Whatton and kindly hosted by Shrewsbury Town.

Womens Festival of Football 2023

Despite the searing heat all those taking part gave it their all and everyone watching was treated to some excellent displays throughout the day, showcasing the talent that exists in Women’s Football at Station level.

Womens Festival of Football 2023

In the Plate local favourites Shawbury comfortably beat Digby 3-0 to take home the honours but it was the main trophy final that provided most excitement. At the end of a hard fought game Coningsby and a strong Cosford team couldn’t be separated and it took a penalty shoot to decide the outcome. In the end Coningsby retained the trophy they won in 2022, but only just, and Cosford will certainly be looking for revenge in future fixtures.

Guest of honour AVM Jennings, President of RAF Football, was in attendance and kindly presented the trophies to the victorious players.

Womens Festival of Football 2023

Events like this are crucial in the development in Women’s Football and are a key factor in unearthing and developing players for the WRT as well as further increasing participation at every level. Many thanks to all those that made the event possible and we all look forward to an even bigger and better Women’s Festival of Football in 2024.

Womens Festival of Football 2023