Play Football In The RAF
From 5-a-side to 11-a-side
Football is the largest participating sport in the Royal Air Force.
There is no shortage of opportunities to play football in the Royal Air Force with Inter-Section lunch time leagues for Squadrons and Sections, Station Teams and Representative Teams providing all individuals the platform to remain fit which in turn helps in an individual's primary duty and personal development.
Currently, there are 4 affiliated leagues and over 300 teams offering players of all abilities the chance to play the game on a regular basis. We also run a number of annual tournaments from 5 a-side to 11 a-side formats.
The Royal Air Force Football Association are dedicated to investing in the game throughout the UK and overseas, working together with you to ensure we provide as many options to play the game as possible, regardless of age, ability, gender, faith or background. Currently, there are 4 affiliated leagues and over 300 teams offering players of all abilities the chance to play the game on a regular basis. We also run a number of annual tournaments from 5 a-side to 11 a-side formats.
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Player support
To find out about playing opportunities in the RAF your first point of contact should be your OIC Football which all RAF Stations have.