Small sided - 5, 6, 7-a-side leagues
Small sided football - when you just want to play
It doesn't need to be 11 v 11
There are nearly 30,000 small sided teams playing across the country. This significant figure is continuing to grow and expand at a rapid rate and it is anticipated that the number of small sided football teams will overtake the number of adult male 11 v 11 teams.
Small sided football is identified in the National Game Strategy as one of The FA’s key growth targets for adult football. The popularity of this format of football is a reaction to changing work and leisure patterns and a move towards ‘pay and play’ football.
The Laws of Small Sided Football have been revised for the benefit to players and referees. The FA encourages all Small Sided Football centres to adopt these uniform Laws.
For more information on what types of football are available at your unit, please contact your Officer in Charge of Football or the Gymnasium staff. For football in the wider community, please use the 'find football near you' tool.
How to get Involved
Your first point of contact is the Station Officer in Charge (OIC) of Football, or the Station Gymnasium staff. Details are available within the RAF Football Association Handbook: