Safeguarding in The Royal Air Force FA
The RAF FAs Designated Safeguarding Officer is Sam Wheeler who can be contacted on 01993 8959589 or email
We take safeguarding extremely seriously
We'll soon be posting more information on our general safeguarding and welfare policies for everyone involved with RAF FA football. For now, here's our guidance for referees.
Safeguarding for RAF FA referees
Whilst RAF FA referees will not officiate youth/junior football on Unit many do officiate youth/junior football in their local communities. The RAF FA wants to ensure that you are aware of the support you can access should you have any concerns over your safety and welfare, or witness anything that gives you a cause for concern, while carrying out your refereeing duties. Please read the information below in full and keep the information and contact details safe in case you need them.
It is important to remember that the vast majority of football is played in safe and friendly environments where everyone can enjoy taking part. However, we appreciate that there may be occasions when you would like additional help and support.
Concerned about something you’ve seen or heard?
Its important that report something you have seen or heard and are concerned, if something doesn’t feel right, or if you are worried about comments someone has made to, or about, you via text or social media.
It’s really important that, if you are concerned about you own safety, or the safety of another child or young person, that you let Designated Safeguarding Officer know as soon as possible to ensure we can support you.
If you or someone else is in immediate risk of harm, then this should be reported to the police via 101 or 999 phone numbers.
You can also contact Childline for advice and support on telelphone 0800 11 11 or go online to
Disciplinary matters
It’s really important that all matchday disciplinary matters are reported to FA as soon as possible. In most cases this is a simple and speedy process that can be completed online.
However, should you need assistance in compiling a report contact the RAF FA Referee Development Officer (FS Nige Owen).
In the unlikely event of a very serious disciplinary matter, you may wish to speak to somebody about it. Our Referee Development Officer or Designated Safeguarding Officer can be contacted for advice and support.
Feel threatened?
In the unlikely event you feel threatened whilst refereeing; your own safety must be your priority. Find a supportive adult and ensure you can leave the venue safely. Avoid doing or saying anything that might make things worse.
At the first opportunity please report these events to our Disciplinary and Designated Safeguarding Officer department. Our Referee Development Officer will contact you when he/she has been informed about the incident.
Attending a disciplinary hearing?
During the course of your refereeing career you may need to attend a disciplinary hearing to give evidence. Don’t worry about this as you will be offered guidance and support by a member of the Discipline team.
If you have an impairment or believe there are restrictions in place preventing you from fully accessing and enjoying refereeing then you need to inform us. Football is inclusive and that applies to refereeing too.
If you would like to chat about this please contact the County FA Referee Development officer or Designated Safeguarding Officer and we can help to remove the barriers to your full participation.
Codes of Conduct and Breaches of the Code of Conduct
In line with the FAs Safeguarding Operating Standards individuals may be required to sign the Safeguarding Code of Conduct for Volunteers, these will be kept on file and the RAF FA will enforce and record breaches of the Code of Conduct.
Get in touch
Phone: 01993 895989 / 895704
(9am - 5pm Monday - Friday)